Poem's title is the title of a chapter in the wonderful book i am reading, "Footprints in the Snow", Sheng Yen's autobiography.
walking through snowy
fields, with only woven grass
shoes- feet, so close
to the earth--mirth is
not something to attain, or
go seeking-- just now,
no leaning on trees
nor holding the breeze in palms
as we are the wind
no traps, no freeing
no holding, no letting go
spiraling dance of snow
no preparations
no need to clean up one's act
dive in to life's river
dreams never ate you
words shared to elevate-not
denigrate, balance
a seemingly troubled world
the absurdity is our believing
we could change anything
why would we wish to
if we knew we had
all the treasures
tucked safely
our sovererign souls
Kate Lamberg
photo by Kate Lamberg~
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