Friday, December 9, 2011

She Noticed the Wind~(a haibun)

I don't believe
people are looking
for the meaning
of life
as much as
they are looking for
the experience
of being alive.
~ Joseph Campbell

She noticed the wind was coming from the south east. The small gold and scarlet japanese maple leaves were still holding onto the tree. As if they did not want to leave, but had the wisdom to know, that in time they would take a long rest on the ground. The breeze that caused the maple leaves to flutter, moved slightly south, to entice some hip-high sea grasses to bend, sway and hoolah in the november warmth. The grasses seemed to nod, in attunement with the japanese maple leaves. They indeed had been stirred by the same teasing wind.

She continued to watch and think about how this same dynamic occurs in human relationships. Someone hears a piece of transcendent music, and his heart stirs  to a loving opening. He then steps into a room, and his eyes meet hers. She can feel the quickening in his chest, his shining eyes of peacefulness. She, like the hip-high sea grass resonates with this new friend's movement, as if he were the fluttering maple leaves.

He appears to initiate the powerful swirling of hips. They enter into a dance of commingling energies. They step out of the room, and wander among the fields. One moment they are separate beings. Now they are  one, just like the swaying tall grasses and the fluttering maple leaves.

how oneness teaches-
oneness learns though soft dancing
loving picture show

Kate Lamberg

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