Wednesday, August 15, 2012

There is a road from the eye to the heart-a prose poem~

There is a road from the eye to the heart that does not go through the intellect." ~Gilbert Keith Chesterton

patience is not a product of her generation, she told herself while walking in the early morning.

some sun just came into view, after seeing only dark grey skies after sunrise.

at dawn the boom of thunder, some flashes of lightening and a hard, but quick rain left a clean vibrant scent in the air.

movement always quells her longing heart, and walking in the woods often softens her hurt of missing her love.

from her peripheries she sees the light, brightening still, through the pine fronds of the douglas fir. she pictures in her mind's eye, the taller balsalm pines, she remembers from her visit to the pacific northwest.

being with her beloved then, makes it easier to visualize.
wistful walking on flat land in the northeast woods,
the woods she has always called home.

sitting on the pine needles, some yellowed by an intensely warm summer, others still fragrant and deep green, she aligns her back with a blue spruce. songs her grandma sang to her, come flooding into her heart and mind.

you are my sunshine, somewhere over the rainbow, climb every mountain.

realizing all the songs contained visions of nature, she smiled a broader grin.

her grandma would be so very happy to know, she had thought of her that way.

in her mind she sings the songs, from beginning to end, full well knowing:

in some crazy way, her grandma, as an angel looking down with enormous love, hears her,

& blesses her for being brave, for letting miracles be a part of her every day.

rainbow colors sing
softly in the changing light
prayers stuck in pine trees

Photo and Poem by Kate Lamberg~
Copyrighted. For sharing, by permission of authour only.
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