Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The first Tuesday after Labour Day, 2012

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012

It's the first day after labour day. A day signaling for many the beginning of a new school year, or back to work from a long summer vacation. To me, it signals the stirrings of fall-- my favorite season. It will be cooler, drier, and I'll be able to walk more in nature. I'll be able to think more clearly, and sleep more deeply-- breathing in the fresh air blowing through the northern facing windows.

I never feel sad saying goodbye to summer. Almost every  time I was moved to go to the beach(on that perfect 80 degree dry blowy day)..I'd get ready, and by the time I'd get to the beach the weather would change, or it would be low tide. Or something annoying like that. I can count on one hand the number of times I went to the beach, and enjoyed myself for two hours or less. Usually the mornings, before the sun would heat up the sky, and before the humidity would dampen my spirit. I welcome the sound of the word 'september', and all of its implied meanings and nuances.

Today...the  rain came down, on and off throughout the morning, and afternoon. I checked on my garden friends, weeded and dead headed the flowers. Bought some fresh local organic produce. Presently I smell the wonderful savory aromas of chicken sausages, red peppers, onions, and broccoli simmering on the stove. A simple, yet deep joy to know...it is cool enough to cook again!

Bless this planet. May healing be felt to those in need. May no one go hungry or be homeless. May we replace greed and competition with kindness and a cooperative spirit.

Love and light
Kate xx

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