Tuesday, November 27, 2012

letting ego fade, as we are being love

As you dissolve into love, your ego fades. You're not thinking about loving; you're just being love, radiating like the sun.
— Ram Dass

like your favorite old blue jeans
let that big tattered ego fade
into the ethers--for another eternity

sun creeps meekly over your morning coffee
will you choose to let your judgements rule--
your relationships are running

out of juice--needing a pump
of oxygen rich blood based love
the red stuff you and i are made up of

what rules outdoor animals huddling
do they question who is giving more heat
do they judge who has had less to eat

surround your self with the love
you know, like the stars and moon
you are composed mostly of

watery moon essence
awe of fire, air's sweeping inspiration
earth that supports us all, when tides
rise, and we run for common ground

the mountains meander home
as hearts who realize soul in common
stones skipped, flat rocks laid out in spirals
allowing the meager steps necessary

unleash the mind who thinks it knows
to allow a greater gust of cleansing breath
letting the love rule--a lighthouse--guiding

ourselves and all who hover near to know
it's the love and only the love- that will restore
that will-- from the inside out be ours, to glow

Kate Lamberg

almost full moon, thanksgiving, '12~ photo by Kate Lamberg

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