Friday, August 23, 2013

Informed by Water~Chapter One.

Chapter One~Introduction to "Informed by Water" or...'how I found some dry land to call home;...
~by Nova Fundy~ (all rights reserved~copyright) ascension press~

Maybe it was because my dad used to make up old sea shanties to sing to me before bed. My interest in being by the water and staying by the water most likely is because I grew up on the north shore of long island.
But these two facts alone were enough for me to open the dictionary one day, and randomly select a place to make my home, by the year 2001.
I was into all of that sci-fi, with a touch of voodoo and white magic. I was to be a good witch and offer prayers to the flora and fauna. At ten the world shone so brightly, as imagination's door was always left wide open. The squirrels birds and grasshoppers often shared my room with me growing up. Shoe boxes, lining my closet housed little critters that I'd "save" from being consumed by garbage trucks or the "knife man".

Ice cream trucks always came up our dead-end block around 7PM in summer. Strawberry shortcake/almond crunch were my favorites. My brother liked anything chocolate. The nicest he was one summer, was to get a few quarters from the utility drawer for our ice cream, while I was playing double dutch jump rope. Looking more difficult than clearly it was, ...a hop with the right foot in between two ropes, going in opposing arcs. Plus we'd sing, A my name is alice..and never repeat a girl's name; when we did, our turn was up. Betsy and I were always 'neck in neck', with often a tie at the end of the evening.

We jumped rope at the end of the dead end block, where there was a turn-around circle...bordering the golf course.

We had a "magical" cut out in the sturdy silver fence, where we would slip away after dark for pre-pubescent practice sessions. Kissing sessions on the golf green. Spin the gatorade bottle. I was pleased as punch to get the bottle pointing at Juan or Jeremy. They were eager, but oh so green. We girls had to walk them through the steps. :And close your eyes," I would often say!

I knew my friend Tanya's parents had had separate bedrooms. But according to her, they had plenty of sex. How did you know, I'd often ask her. She said it was obvious on Sunday mornings, as they'd "sleep in" and let the kids find their own breakfast.

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