Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Messages from Angel Gabrielle~

"Did you know when you are worried that the angels draw closer and begin to play their strings and flutes?
Did you know that. when you feel the most alone.... we are here, to hold your hand and bring you to your feet in music and in song.?"

To remind you that you are never alone.
Separation is fear's statement of illusion.
Fear would not like you to understand
that you have entered the world through loving,
in loving, by loving, and that your nature is to be simply that. Love.

Seeking love where there seems to be none.
Being love, as a verb expressing the active principle of truth.
Love, separate from the romantic sentimentality so tied to your culture.
Where romantic love has a place, as it serves healing, connection,
and growth...it is not "above" the love affair you have with yourself.

So hold yourself in high esteem.
Look up at the highest branches in the trees,
and beyond to gaze at stars.
Know the beauty of all nature is reflected in your soul.

Your eyes shine as a million suns glow.
Your heart expands each time you breathe
in the purity and grace of each waking moment.
Your steps on mother earth resound deep in your mother's belly. 
You have come home to believing in the beauty of yourself.

words and photo by kate lamberg~(c) '13

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