Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Artist babble...

It has been raining for the last three days. As we grow closer to the full moon, there is an intensity building. This is felt in the pace of communications with friends, and within my own creative outpourings. I am grateful for particular truths which have been revealing themselves.

One important truth, which made itself manifest in a painful discourse taught me about safe boundaries.
Truth does not always present itself in gentle sweet harmonies. Sometimes it must be like an iron frying pan, banging down upon our heads, for us to awaken to them.

I welcome any experience which will ultimately guide me towards a greater self-knowledge, however painful the initial awareness is. Also, I take full responsibility for taking part in the dance of allowing these bursts to occur. Each time it happens, I can see more clearly, how to prevent some of it's re-occurence.

The biggest lesson this week has been, how to express myself, and not put that much emphasis on how others will respond. If they like what I have to say, or if they agree, is their business. If they do not like or agree with what I am sharing(particularly things of a creative nature: poems), I need to respect their position. Instead of  taking it personally, I need to say to myself, "That's cool, Sara does not like my poem, I do.."..

Constructive criticism is far better than downright slamming into someone..But then again, we cannot give our friends a script. One would hope a person's true friend would couch their criticism in a touch of sensitivity.

Not everyone will like everyone's art all the time. That I know. It is refreshing to have a forum to be able to share and be supported by other artists. An artist's life requires solitude in order to flourish, and a gentle connection with others helps bridge the sometimes "solitary island" sense we sometimes feel.

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