Thursday, November 19, 2009


The walk began amidst morning mist. We wondered if it would rain harder, or be just a passing drizzle. We both shared that it had rained a bit in the morning of our respective weddings. It then cleared, and the day transformed into clear sunny skies. Perfect for parties and photographs. This was an unspoken agreement NOT to turn back.
We decided to continue our walk on the road which divides Avalon and the Nature Conservancy. In the spring large lush Rhododendron bushes bloom in their full regalia of pinks. But now, these bushes retain their green waxy leaves, hardly showing signs of November.
As we walk, the air remains still and an occasional leaf blows by our sight. The sky, various shades of grey, stoppped it's fine misting. Between our practically non-stop conversation(after-all, we are women, and had not walked , or talked "live" in over a year), observations of various shades of fall leaves, a car passing, my favorite gingerbread house was noted.
Sitting by the pond, we listen to the miniature waterfall, silencing our non-stop chatting.
We gaze at the two lover swans, taking turns, doing nose-dives into the murky grey-green pond.
Regretably, I break the silence to say, "Isn't it funny, that they do this, without thinking about it, or worrying about it. No self-consciousness!" More silence, and we spontaneously stand up to walk. One lonely rose appears on a rosebush. I pick it, giving one petal to my friend. As I give it to her, I realize each and every one is heart shaped! I keep one petal, and toss the other two onto the ground. The bright pink petals show up remarkably on the gravel road.
To myself, I thank my angel guides, for allowing this time to experience this sacred space with another kindred soul.

Kathryn Lamberg

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